There are plenty of ‘Classic Books’ I have never read for one reason or another. There are only so many hours in the day afterall. 'Classics' are typically well known and have had a lot of stuff written about them, so I'm not going to witter on. Here is the first of my super quick reviews of those I’m finally catching up with.
So, my Mum always told me not to bother with Northanger Abbey, and that there were far better Austens to be reading. At the same time, I think teenage me also heard ‘gothic parody’ and somehow got it into my head that it was a full on gothic novel. After my (failed) attempts to read Wuthering Heights, I think I probably mistakenly thought Northanger was going to be more of the same tosh and firmly resolved never to read it.
Well, putting my pride and prejudice aside (ha ha), I decided to give it a go. But was it worth bothering with, or should I have listened to my Mother?...