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Author: Ceri

grandmother lucy and her hats

Grandmother Lucy and Her Hats

The bookworm is a series of posts following a trail of vintage picture books, linking them by author, title, subject, or whatever else takes my fancy. Following on from Natasha’s New Doll, the next stop in our Bookworm trail is also illustrated by Frank Francis: Grandmother Lucy and Her Hats by Joyce Wood. The gist This is a sweet, sweet…

No Flying In The House

I did not read No Flying in the House when I was six. If I had read it when I was six, I would have loved it. Why? Because what what six year old girl doesn’t want a three inch talking dog who can perform 367 tricks? And what six year old girl does not want to be part fairy,…

Natasha's New Doll

Natasha’s New Doll

The bookworm is a series of posts following a trail of vintage picture books, linking them by author, title, subject, or whatever else takes my fancy. We start the bookworm trail with a book plucked completely at random from my shelves: Natasha’s New Doll by Frank Francis. I first came across this book just a few years ago, so it…

The Last Slice of Rainbow

I was given Joan Aiken’s The Last Slice of Rainbow when I was probably around eight. I loved it before I even read it. Something about the title, the pictures, the names of the stories – they’re all the exact formula to appeal to an eight year old booklover. I remember almost not wanting to read it, for fear that…