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Bookworm: Vintage Picture Books

Welcome to Bookworm, an ongoing series on the wonderful world of children's picture books.

Photo by <a href="">Robyn Budlender</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Despite being a grown up, and officially far too old for such malarkey, I'm still a teeny bit addicted to picture books. Is it the imaginative stories? The amazing illustrations? Or just nostalgia? Probably all of the above. Whatever the reason, I'm hooked. If you love a good picture book as well, and would like to explore some of lesser known titles, this is the place for you.

Changing Fashions

The publishing industry treats picture books a little like fashion. New books come out at such a rate, that older titles are very quickly soooo last year. Publishers lean towards what is in and relevant and on trend. Changes in the global catwalk of society quickly filter down into the high street fast fashions of bookshops. And this can be a very good thing, as it can help our children understand the world in which they actually live.

However, with so many new titles coming out each year, it is much harder for older books to remain in print. There are a few classics that never go out of style; the little black dresses of the picture book world. This is probably because they are just plain awesome, but the publishers' continued support and promotion probably also helps. But there must be thousands more which have sadly fallen out of print and which are now largely forgotten, except by a handful of nostalgic adults who vaguely remember reading them as kids.

The Bookworm

So join me in a rummage through the dressing up box of former fashions! To make things (vaguely) interesting, I will be linking each post to the next using author, illustrator, subject, theme, or any other connection I choose. We'll take in some well known classics, some old favourites, and some forgotten gems which may be lurking in the back of your memory somewhere. It is also an excuse for me to hunt down lots of lovely books I haven't read, which can only be a good thing.

So follow the trail! Or dip in and out 🙂 And let me know if there is anything you'd like to see more of.

Click here for a Full List of Bookworm Posts

I have A LOT of vintage picture books for sale HERE - go have a browse!